How does Lack of Sleep Cause Hair Loss? The Science Behind It (2023 Updated)

‍Hair loss is a natural process everyone goes through at some point in life. A majority of people experience hair thinning or hair fall at some point in their lifetime. However, there are times when the natural hair fall is accelerated due to other factors such as poor nutrition, stress or bad habits like smoking or drinking.

Wearing hats, keeping your hair clean, avoiding harsh chemical products and using oils can help prevent further thinning or hair loss. But what if you already have thinning hair? Don’t worry!

There are plenty of things that you can do to alleviate this problem without having to resort to expensive medications or dangerous surgeries. Reducing stress and getting enough rest at night are key to healthy hair growth. In this article, we’ll look into how lack of sleep causes Hair Loss and what you can do about it:

We’ve all heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” Well, that’s not the only factor that goes into forming our entire being. Sleep is just as important as any other factor like food, water and hygiene when it comes to maintaining good health. Sleep is one of the key factors involved in the regenerative process of the body.

It helps to replenish the nutrients in our body, like proteins and vitamins. It also improves the immune system and metabolism and releases hormones that are essential for hair growth. The hair follicles are most active during the period between 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.

That’s why most people can notice hair loss during these hours. Seven hours of sleep is important for our bodies. Sleep is also important for the growth of your hair as it helps in providing nourishment to the follicles and stimulates growth. And when you’re sleeping, your body is making new cells. It uses the proteins found in your diet to create new cells, and the hair follicles are no different.

However, during sleep, your body requires more protein than when you’re awake. That’s why it is important to eat a well-balanced diet that contains all the essential nutrients, like proteins and vitamins, to combat hair loss.

How Lack of Sleep Causes Hair Loss?

Hair is made up of protein. It is essential that you consume a well-balanced diet that contains all the essential nutrients, like proteins and vitamins, to combat hair loss. A lack of sleep may lead to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals that are essential for healthy hair growth. Lack of sleep also affects the hormone levels in the body, which leads to thinning hair. During sleep, the body produces and releases hormones that are responsible for regulating the growth of hair.

When you don’t get enough sleep, your body produces less of these hormones that are essential for hair growth. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body produces more of the hormone known as cortisol. Cortisol is responsible for metabolizing carbohydrates and sugars. While we need to maintain blood sugar levels, too much cortisol can be harmful.

Excessive levels of cortisol can damage the hair follicles, leading to hair thinning and hair loss. Poor sleep is also the reason for the loss of hair. Lack of sleep affects the production of melatonin in the body, leading to hair loss.

8 Ways to Combat Hair Loss due to Lack of Sleep!

If you’re experiencing hair loss because of a lack of sleep, there are a few things that you can do to combat this problem. Here are some tips and advice that can help you get rid of thinning hair:

1. Eat a well-balanced diet with proteins

Eat a well-balanced diet with proteins

We’ve already discussed how proteins are essential for healthy hair growth. Many foods are rich in proteins like eggs, fish, meat, beans and dairy products like milk, butter etc. Having a balanced diet will ensure that you get the right amount of protein that your body needs.

2. Take supplements

Take supplements

Another way to combat hair loss due to a lack of sleep is to take supplements that are rich in proteins. These supplements can be bought from any store or online. While supplements are good for health, it’s important to take them after consulting a doctor.

3. Drink lots of water

Drink lots of water

While a lack of sleep can affect the health of your hair, dehydration can also lead to hair loss. Drinking lots of water can prevent dehydration, which in turn, can help you get rid of thinning hair.

4. Avoid stress

Avoid Stress

You might not realize it, but stress is one of the main causes of hair loss. Stress can be extremely harmful to your hair. It can lead to hair loss as well as thinning hair.

5. Stay away from harmful chemicals

Stay away from harmful chemicals

Using chemicals for your hair can be harmful to your hair in the long run. It can lead to hair thinning and hair loss. Stay away from sulfates and parabens, which are harmful chemicals used in most shampoos, hair sprays and conditioners.

6. Stay hydrated

Stay hydrated

Along with water, drink plenty of other liquids such as green tea, coconut water and watermelon juice. These liquids are packed with nutrients and minerals that are essential for healthy hair growth.

7. Stay healthy

Stay Healthy

Eating a well-balanced and proper diet, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and practicing yoga and meditation will help you combat hair loss due to a lack of sleep.

8. Use oils

Use Oils

Oiling your hair regularly will keep your scalp

What Lack of Vitamin Causes Hair Loss?

Hair loss is a very common phenomenon. Hair shedding is a part of the hair growth cycle. It is normal for a healthy individual to lose 50-100 hair strands a day. But if you are losing more hair than this and they are not growing back, then you are suffering from excess hair loss. There can be many reasons for hair loss, and one of the common causes of hair loss is vitamin deficiency and nutritional deficiency.

The first and most important is the lack of vitamin B family. There are many vitamins that come under the vitamin B family. The one that plays an important role in hair loss is vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B7 (biotin), vitamin B9(folate) and vitamin B12.

All these vitamins play an important role in hair growth. They are water-soluble and can not be stored in the body for a long duration except for biotin, which is generated by our gut flora. All the remaining vitamins we get from food or supplements.

A deficiency of this vitamin can cause hair loss. These vitamins help in keeping our well-being and good health. They play an important role in a majority of enzyme processes from brain to cell. They play an important role in the growth, normal blood supply and normal functioning of the cells in the hair papilla. They help in giving the hair proper nutrition, making the hair strong and improving the hair texture.

The majority of the vitamin B family is found in our routine food. This is why we should eat a balanced and healthy diet. Vegetarian food like milk, milk products like curd, cheese, paneer, dairy products and whole grains, and cereals like wheat, jawar, bajra, maize, soybean, green vegetables, potato, mushrooms, and dry fruits are great sources of vitamin B. Lack of vitamin E is also a reason for hair loss. Vitamin E prevents oxidative stress and boosts hair growth.

Oil like soybean oil, sunflower oil and corn oil contains vitamin E. Vitamin A deficiency is also one of the reasons for loss of hair. Also, excessive consumption of vitamin A causes loss of hair.

Does oversleeping cause more hair loss?

Absolutely not; Oversleeping does not cause any kind of hair loss or hair damage.

How many hours should I sleep to reduce hair fall?

The person needs to take at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep to reduce stress and hair loss. The person also needs to give special attention to lifestyle changes, proper diet, and sleep routines to reduce hair shedding or improve hair quality.

How should I sleep to reduce hair loss?

The following are the main points that you need to keep in mind while sleeping:
1. Always use silk or satin pillowcase.
2. Do not sleep with wet hair.
3. One can also use an overnight hair mask while sleeping.
4. Detangle your hair before sleeping.

Do pillows cause hair loss?

Normally, pillows do not cause hair loss. But at the same time, if you use pillows with rough texture may cause hair damage.

Bottom Line:

Lack of sleep can affect your health in many ways. It can lead to hair loss condition and can also affect other aspects of your health like your immune system and blood sugar levels. Getting a good night’s sleep is important to combat hair loss. Eating a well-balanced diet rich in proteins, avoiding harmful chemicals and practicing yoga are ways to prevent hair loss due to a lack of sleep.

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